Better Safe Than Sorry is my Mantra
For those of you not in the know, I’m pregnant (again.) After a few early miscarriages and huge amounts of stress and anxiety, I’ve finally made it to 26 weeks and am nearing the home stretch once again. This new life growing within my giant gut brings new challenges, especially now that I’m a whopping 37 “geriatric mom”, trying to have it all.
So, yesterday I was feeling crampy in the lower back, and had BH off and on for a while. They got worse – lasting longer and felt like they were happening just all the time. I called my OB nurse, and she said to go in to triage at my nearby hospital to get checked out.
I went in – and it was great! Almost no wait time, they brought me back, hooked up some monitors and checked out my cervix, and everything was just fine. Little Maggie was kicking up a storm and trying to knock the monitor off.
The nurses and doctor were SO nice. The nurse, after I mentioned being annoying for having a false alarm told me:
“I’d rather have you in here 3 times a week and it be nothing, than for you to be at home and it be something.”
I was in and out of there in under 2 hours and went about my day, advised to drink more water (chug chug) and come back if they got worse, closer together, if there was bleeding or if I stopped feeling movement.
Moral of the story – it never hurts to get checked out. You’re not “bothering” the hospital staff and you’re not weak or paranoid for wanting to get reassurance.
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